Hey there! I’m a transformational life coach who is on a mission to empower women to love themselves and their bodies so that together, we can empower the next generation of women to do the same. My formal education is in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and I combine that with extensive continuing education to help my clients heal their relationships with themselves and their bodies. For many years, I struggled with negative body image, which led to disordered eating patterns, obsessive exercise, and significant mental health issues. Having worked through those issues to be in a place where I have a much healthier relationship with my body, I know how wonderful and empowering it feels, and want to help other women experience a similar shift. My spiritual work has been a major factor in my healing, and I bring an intuitive aspect to my practice.

MS, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Villanova University
BS, Psychology, Drexel University
CPT (Certified Personal Trainer), National Academy of Sports Medicine
FNS (Fitness Nutrition Specialist), American Council on Exercise
CPPC (Certified Pre- and Postnatal Coach), Girls Gone Strong
PN-1* (Precision Nutrition Coach, Level 1), Precision Nutrition
IBC* (Intuitive Body Coach), Intuitive Body Coach(c)

*I have a strong commitment to life-long learning and continuing my education to serve my clients in the most comprehensive and up-to-date ways possible. This credential is in progress.